Friday, 13 April 2007

Tigers and Devils

I arrived to more glorious sunshine in Tasmania, long may it last as this place has a reputation for pretty miserable conditions. I'm in Launceston, though the mainland Aussies like to refer to the place as Inceston. It is pretty sleepy place but quite charming nonetheless. I had hoped to do a bit of rock climbing here as there are loads of climbs in the area, but all the guides are away in the Blue Mountains. So I'm going to start my Overland Track walk tomorrow, which means I'll be out of contact for the best part of a week.
Before leaving Melbourne I went along to Ed Byrne's show at the comedy festival which was a pretty good laugh, though I'm not sure even the Aussies were comfortable with the typical Irish use of profanities:) I also got up at an unearthly hour to watch Man U's 7-1 humiliation of Roma which was quite entertaining. Pity about Mourinho's bunch scraping through.

Today I'm off to the Boag brewery here in town to sample Launcenston's best creation.
Hopefully back online in a week if not eaten by a Tassie devil or the (possibly not extinct) Tassie Tiger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.