I arrived in Melbourne on Schedule and met up with Mike who has just moved here from Portharlington, he is suffering greathly from homesickness but somehow is holding himself together. Not.
He and his "landlady" Stephanie are kindly putting me up while in Melbourne. Our first night was spent boozing and eating with some Aussies which was really good, its nice to meet some locals for a change!
Next day we headed to the local climbing wall as both of us were keen to give it a shot. It was a real blast and I think I may just have found my new hobby. I was shattered though after 1 1/2 hours of it.
Next night we went on a tour of Brunswick street in the Fitzroy area of town. Its a really cool spot with more than a little of a bohemian feel to it and some friendly and interesting locals. Mikey spotted one earlier he particularly liked, who was on crutches - aparently he has a thing for crutches, must be the vulnerability thing. Think he was pleasantly surprised I had managed to coax her to his seat while he was at the bar. We accompanied crutch girl and friend to a salsa bar which had a really excellent band. Too bad I cant salsa. Another one for the list.
Yesterday we headed to the MCG for some Aussie rules footie - its a cool stadium. Today I'm in St Kilda the beachfront part of town, which is thronged with nice cafes and pubs, might hit the climbing walls later if Mikey isnt too wrecked after his first day of work here. Oh and happy easter to everyone.
Footnote - updating this from the coolest internet cafe in Melbourne.