Finally arrived in Broome last night after several thousand bumpy dusty kilometers. Theres no mistaking your in the tropics up here, at a latitude of 18 degrees its pretty dam hot.
Nice though, with lovely cool breezes to temper the ever present sun.
And some pretty nice beaches, complete with camel trains at sunset.
The last couple of days on the bus were pretty long, the highlight being camping in Karijini national park with its beautiful gorges and swimming holes - croc free as well, which may not be the case further on.

Our last night was in Pardoo catle station - a pretty enough place but with ferocious mossies that ignored repeleant and smoke.
The days on the bus were long - often with fairly repetitive scenerary, but it was quite pleasant watching the red dust and eucalyptus pass, snoozing, listening to music and chatting with the passengers - which were a good laugh. Due to the nature of the hop- on-off trip, we lost a few people along the way, but also added a few - with Gina and Michael from Melbourne the bus is actually becoming quiet Aussie.

All the bumping around seems to have done something to my back, and its a bit fcuked at the minute, so might search out the services of a local Chiropractor, expecially if I continue as planned with Clare onto Darwin - another bit of a marathon journey.
photos really terrific!
dolphin looks really tame and friendly....
Seen any Joeys yet?!
Yeah seen loads of Roos of all description, a lot of em alive too.
Hey Sean,
Just a quick hi. Podge just passed on your blog details today.
I'll be popping by from now on.
Take care, and enjoy.
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