OK, so I was only in Brasil for 5 hours or so, but I´m counting it as I had to get a stamp on my passport:)
The reason of course is Igazou falls, the largest waterfalls in the world (I said largest, not highest)
And its a sh1t load of water alright, pretty impressive.
You can view from Argentina or Brasil, I tried both and agree with the general consensus that the Argie side is better, even if the Brazilian one gives views of more water at the same time.
Before leaving BA I managed to get to a tango with Gerry from Dublin, Lee from Texas and Steph from England. Gerry is a bit of a character and can talk for Ireland! None of us had much of a clue but it was a bit of a laugh nonetheless. The owners were obviously impressed and gave us free passes for the next night - i like to think it was for our dancing skills but suspect it may be more to do with the copious amounts of wine that was consumed (and the wine is great by the way, and really cheap). Spent the next day wandering round taking a few photos and ended up in a bar and got chatting to Jan the piano player, whos over here from Holland for 3 months writing music. Sounds idilic.
Flew up to Igazuo without incident, and spent a day exploring the local town (which is tiny) and procured a fairly radical haircut to combat the heat.
Next 2 days were the falls, and playing volleyball with some isralies, Mat from Canada, Kristina and Camilla from Denmark and Amelie from Germany. Amelie had just spent 3 months working with street kids, very commendable, it sounded quite tough. All in all a very pleasant time up there. Back in BA today for a couple of days before flying off south to see some of Patagonia. Bus cama down here was super comfy, though i was a bit worried when a sniffer dog took a fancy to my pockets!
it's just not fair....all in BP very jealous but glad to hear you're still alive and 'kicking'
Tango!!! T-A-N-G-O??? You "don't do" Karaoke but you'll Tango in downtown Buenos Aires?? For the sake of international relations I hope to god the Tango-ing wasn't done in your favourite all-in-one Lycra outfit! :-P The Mighty Hoops won 2-1 at the weekend and are now only 5 wins away from claiming the title... Enjoy Patagonia Magiver! Hail Hail
Santosh and the boys say Hi. Good to hear that your winning ways with the ladies aren't letting you down ;-). Mumbai is mental shame you couldn't have swung by for a swift visit.
Hey Mullins, don't be shy, where's the photo of your radical haircut - I could use a good laugh!
i bet the bit of german is coming in handy!!!!!!!!all parcels arrived..loads of post as well. enjoy patagonia..joey sayd hello.
OK so, who posted a reply thst the moderator saw fit to remove??!!
Sorry Mullins - that deleted post we just me. I hit the 'Publish' button twice, 'cos it was shite slow. So I deleted one of the copies thinking my ineptitude might go unnoticed.
Anyway, what makes you think a moderator would have any interest in your feeble wanderings? I only read your bleedin blog 'cos your Ma paid me. And where are those photos for your new head...?
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